In The Media

Creating the Craft Room of Your Dreams
May, 2021
When you're the type of person to make your own decor, gifts, artwork, etc. it's more likely than not that you've acquired an abundance of supplies and materials. But for some of us, no dedicated space to keep said supplies, and no idea of where to start when designing a craft room. Whether you're dealing with a small corner or an entire room, we've reached out to the crafting pros from Toronto to Sacramento to help homeowners like you organize and design the craft room of their dreams. So, sit back and let these tips and tricks inspire you to create your very own crafting space.May, 2021
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StoreSMART's Road to Success
January, 2018
Red, yellow, and green magnetic emoticons visually call out the trafficking stages of ongoing projects at whiteboard work stations throughout ... MORE
January, 2018

Lean approach pays off for organization couple
December 29, 2017
Store Smart is a certified woman-owned business offering a plethora of products to help companies and individuals stay organized ... MORE
December 29, 2017

Industry Tools
September/October, 2014
StoreSMART introduces the StoreSMART Visual Management and Control Board system for improved process flow. The tool is designed for companies ... MORE
September/October, 2014

StoreSMART's Vial of Life could save yours
March 27, 2013
When the life of a loved one is on the line, every second matters. One of the first things emergency responders are trained to do is look for a "Vial of Life" ... MORE
March 27, 2013

Protect your valuables and technology with the Workout Wallet
November 30, 2012
Going to the gym can be a nerve-racking experience. Not only because you have to usually workout and share the gym with dozens of total ... MORE
November 30, 2012

Quick access to medical records help paramedics save lives
American Now
October, 2012
More than 700,000 people end up in the emergency room each year due to an adverse drug event according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
An adverse drug event occurs when a patient suffers a serious reaction after receiving the wrong medication.
October, 2012

From the Ashes: Coming Back From Business Failure
American Express
October 19, 2012
Despite popular myths, starting and growing a business is hard work. If most small-business owners actually could calculate the high risk they take ... MORE
October 19, 2012